Hudson Greens and Goods takes water very seriously, and is committed to offering the most environmentally, socially responsible, and delicious bottled water available. Castle Rock still and sparkling water fulfils all of these criteria. “From glacier to glass,” the company’s motto, describes the Mt. Shasta based company.  Thomas Greither, a noted environmentalist and president of Castle Rock Water Company, says, “We’re renewing a tradition that began nearly 125 years ago from the source of the water to the use of glass bottles. We decided to bypass single-use plastic bottles in favor of glass, which is better for the environment. Glass bottles are more readily reusable and recyclable, and better for the person drinking the water since glass doesn’t infuse the water with anything unwanted. And our bottles contain more than 50 percent recycled glass.” Castle Rock is a family-owned, community-based joint venture with the City of Dunsmuir.